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Why the Shulamite?

What is the significance of the Shulamite woman? What was her role in the bible?

The Shulamite woman was the epitome of purity, beauty and a wholesome image of a woman and bride in the Songs of Solomon. As Christian women, we should strive to be this for our God and for our husbands.When we're pure in heart and we can fully receive his spirit and devote our lives to loving, pleasing, fearing(not being afraid of him, but rather afraid to disappoint Him), and respecting Him. He is our Heavenly Father-our most amazing parent and like any child who loves their parents, they want nothing more than to please and obey their parents. This is what God calls US to do. WE ARE HIS CHILDREN!

Song of Solomon  6:13

This brings to mind a quote that really struck me and since I read it and recently reread it, I've longed to be that type of woman!

"A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man must seek Him Just to find her." -Max Lucado

How profound is that? How can we measure up to that model? It is a pursuit that we all should strive for. For when we are right with God and in our hearts, the man God sends us will see us as God does, love us as God does, and will remain faithful and devoted as God is.He will not be perfect, but perfect for us and God will call us to love him and see him as God sees and loves him. With the heart and spirit of Christ, it won't be hard to do.

As a Christian mother, we are to" lead and train up our child in the way they should go, and when they are old, they will not depart from it." (Prov. 22:6) As the mother of a teen daughter, this is most important. The teenage years are brutal and if they do not have a firm identity and foundation in Christ, they will fall prey to so many temptations and pressures. As parents our job is to lead them and direct them in a positive nature. Is it going to be easy? No? Is it a perfect science? Nope! But God promises He will lead us so that we may be able to better lead them in their path to a fulfilling life in Christ.

As a Christian woman, wife, and mother my mission and calling is to bring others to Christ while living and dwelling closer in Him each day. I feel blessed to be called to create this blog to share his unending, eternal love for me and for YOU! Through careful study and meditation on the word, paying attention to His guidance and listening to his direction with my whole heart, I pray this reaches the far corners of YOUR heart so that you may yearn to know Him more and thrive in His word. This is His desire for us all. To live and dwell in him! May our Abba Father shower his grace, love, mercy and blessing on all who read His message.

One of the goals for this blog is to provide a compass for your life, marriage, career, and parenting according to God's will. Maybe you need forgiveness for a sin you committed. Remember we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God. Repentance...true repentance is the first step to getting back on track and I pray that a message I post on here will put a conviction in your heart to seek forgiveness or forgive those who have wronged you. These messages are God's word and I am the vessel. I love sharing God's word and am blessed to have been called to do so.

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